Monday, April 18, 2011

Midsummer Night's Dream

Midsummer Night's Dream by "The Wanderer's Eye"

I had been trying to get a heart shaped bokeh ever since the time I first saw pics with heart shaped bokehs. After many attempts spanning over a few months (including times that I thought it is not worth it and gave up), I finally succeeded in getting my maiden successful photo with heart shaped bokeh.
The technique used here is called Aperture Masking. The size of the bokeh is generally the size of the aperture opening when it is fully open. So if you mask the lens aperture with a cut out having different shape and the size of the cut out being equal to (preferrably slightly lesser than the aperture when it is fully open) will give the shaped bokeh.

Dia of the aperture opening = Focal length of lens / Aperture used
So if you are using a 50mm prime lens fully open at f/1.8, then you would need a cut out not bigger than 27mm.

Creative Common License

Creative Commons License
Few photographs by Ruben Alexander are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 India License based on a work at Please write to rubenkalexander[at]gmail[dot]com before using any photograph.