Before I Hit the Shutter, I ask:
- 'Taking' a snapshot or 'Making' a picture? 'Taking' & 'Making' are like chalk & cheese. A lot more goes into the making!
- What mode do I want to shoot in? Creative mode: Manual, Av, Tv or Auto mode: Auto or a pre-programed mode?
- What F-Stop or Shutter Speed am I going to use?
- What format do I want to shoot? RAW or jpeg? or both? ..RAW rules the roost!!
- What’s my ISO? Is it fast/slow enough? Too grainy for the shot?
- What White Balance am I set on? never mind, more often than not, PP to the rescue!
- What Metering Mode should I be on? Evaluative, Partial, Spot or CWA
- What Colour setting do I need?
- Am I going to use Manual or AF?
- Do I want to use Auto Exposure Bracketing for the shot? HDR in mind..?
- Am I going to use a Flash? And how am I going to use it? .. aah, this is a toughie alright!!
- What story am I trying to tell? the photograph should speak for itself..!!
- Do I need to change lenses? If so, which one? Scratch your head...This is an all time toughie!!
- Am I shooting in Landscape or Portrait perspective, or even a jaunty angle?
- Do I need to use a Tripod?
- Will I use the Rule of Thirds or break it?
- What other rules should I be following? the Sunny f16 rule or perhaps the Tripod rule
- Are there Leading Lines, Horizontal lines, Diagonals I can use in the shot?
- What about finding an S-curve for the leading line?
- Is there any thing I can use to Frame my picture? eg. Tree branches.
- Can I use any foreground element in the shot without detracting from the subject?
- Is the background cluttered and distracting?
- Will I change this to B&W, Sepia or something else in PP?
- Do I have a Focal Point?
- Is my subject Moving or Stationary?
- For Moving Subjects, do I want to Pan the shot, Blur the background or Blur the subject?
- For a portrait, is the focus primarily on the eyes? Is the background blurred out?
- Is there a Pattern I can pick up on?
- How’s the lighting? Are the Shadows harsh or weak? Do I want to emphasize them? okie dokie... this is a dodgy one! perhaps play around with light back-lighting, side-lighting or front-lighting ;)
- Should I deliberately boost or ramp down the EV?
- Is the light too strong? Will it wash out detail?
- Is my horizon straight? Is it cutting across 'dead-centre' in the frame?
- Can I get this at a better angle? its all about perspectives mate..
- Should I wait for better lighting? this is another dicey one!
- What does the light meter read? dont't let the light meter get the better of you mate!!
- Should I increase shutter speed or open up the aperture?
- Is it in focus? ..duh!!
- Did I just miss a great shot? gee mate..!!
With all these questions, it’s a wonder that I still haven't lost my sanity, or the enamour for photography and the the willingness to learn it. Life was so much simpler when all I did was point and shoot! Certainly less stressful!! :-D :-)