Thursday, March 25, 2010

Live concert at Infy, Bangalore

Live concert at Infy, Bangalore
Originally uploaded by "The Wanderer's Eye"

Mohit Chauhan's live concert in Infy. Apparently I never knew who Mohit Chauhan was or for that matter any of his songs and neither was I interested in listening to the music! As far as I was concerned it was a great photo op not be missed. The dodgy lighting on the stage made photography challenging.

For more photos of the concert, please visit my Flickr Photostream "The Wanderer's Eye"

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Self critique.. phew..!!

Is the composition good or do you think it could have been better if the subject would have been at a different position? Is the centre of interest to your liking? Is the centre of interest given enough emphasis? If you are showing the mountain range, do you have more focus or emphasis on clouds or foreground elements that distract?

Is the eye contact good and engaging? Do you think that the photographer could have tried to move closer? Some crawling in the belly would have been good? Or waiting at a place for the subject to come closer?

Do you think that the background is right? Well diffused or distracting? Did I use shallow depth of field (an aperture of f4, f5.6 etc to isolate the main element and throw the background out of focus)? Or do you think that using a higher aperture (f8 and above) has helped in bringing more of the background into focus and thus giving a good idea about the subject and its environment?

Do you think the image could have been brighter? Is the exposure right? Are there underexposed and overexposed portions in the image?

Does it strike an emotional chord in you? Or is there something different that you can do? 

A few damning, but to be asked questions...!! :) :)

Creative Common License

Creative Commons License
Few photographs by Ruben Alexander are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 India License based on a work at Please write to rubenkalexander[at]gmail[dot]com before using any photograph.